Friday, October 21


You will all will be happy to know that jesse and I have finally stepped up our game in the kitchen, from the everyday frozen burritos, to actual cooking. This was a major milestone that for us. We can actually pretend that we like to cook, so that we will be accepted by society now.

Todays meal: Homeade creamy chicken taquitos, compliments of our new favorite cooking blog: Our Best Bites. Jesse was so excited about it, he made me stop before putting any food in my mouth so that we could time it and eat our first bite together. The look on his face was priceless. I heart you jesse. I could tell he was actually a little disappointed, he thought it was going to make his brain explode from sheer goodness, and it fell short of that. But we still gave ourselves a pat on the back for the effort. Good for us for being little chefs. And when I say we, I mean jesse, but I congratulated myself anyways.

The best part was what happened after the meal. I got a sharp piece of food stuck in the back of my throat that was hurting like the dickens! It just kept stabbing me everytime I swallowed. I tried to identify it with my finger, and each time I did I started gagging. Jesse was laughing at me. Rude. :) I told him its stuck in this weird pocket kind of on the side of my mouth. And he was like, ahh yes, I know right where that is (huh?), let me get that for you. In my head I was like dear heavens! But my little self couldn't take any more gagging, so I let him take the plunge. He pulled it out with his little finger in a split second like a pro. We were both so proud. He said, "IM the MAN!" Then I whipped right back and said "How can I be the man, if your the man!" (Inside joke), at the same time jesse was trying to say I'm like a surgeon! but it came out, Im like a surg-u-man! He got distracted by what I was saying half way through his sentence and just copied what I was saying. I laughed so hard. For the rest of the night I kept getting reminded of it, and I would start laughing again, surg-u-man. Priceless


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Pah-HAHA! good post cait, very funny. I love you!
