Tuesday, February 7

Love you!

I've gotta take a second to brag about my husband, because he is really worth bragging about. A lot of people probably dont know how sweet and thoughtful Jesse really is to me.

Last night I came home from work feeling a bit nausious and thinking it had something to do with my lunch. I ate a cup of noodles and a drink for an impressive $1.44. I was pretty proud of that, but it wasn't very filling for a 9 hour time period. I realized towards the end of my shift I should have ate more. I called Jesse on my way home from work, and he said he had already made dinner for me, and I was so grateful. He makes dinner for me more times than I should admit. He knows I get home from work so tired, and more often than not, i find a plate of food waiting for me at home. He loves to surprise me, its so sweet.

I started to feel a lot worse around 8:30 and I knew I had to throw up to feel better. Throwing up is one of my least favorite things to do, and in an effort to thwart that, I just curled into a ball on the couch and moaned like a big cry baby. My husband just held me there, put my hair back, and kept telling me how sorry he was. He kept asking me what he could get me. He gave me some chapstick and went in the bathroom and made a hot bath for me. He kept offering to get me things, and basically stayed up the whole night comforting me. Like literally the whole night, even when I was throwing up, he just held my hair back and told me he was sorry still. At midnight he went to the store and got me some pepto-bismal, some coke and seven up. I dont really know why he thought he had to do that, but he always does stuff like that. Even though he had a long stressful day that day, and had like a million projects to do and tests to take. And that is why you are the best husband Jesse Finley! I love you!!


  1. That is true love. Seriously. You struck gold when you found Jesse! We love him too. ;)

  2. Best thing ever. I'm in class and I was reading your blog and didn't realize my sound was on really loud so all of a sudden the Lord of the Rings theme came on and my entire class heard it and looked at me. Ha!

  3. Haha talia thats hilar! Sorry about that. Tiff- thank you for approving my choice in eternal mates. He really is the best.
